

Nato a Trieste il 19.05.1949. Ricercatore presso l’Istituto di Zoologia dell’Università di Trieste dal 1973 al 1986, successivamente professore ordinario di Zoologia presso l’Università della Calabria, sino al 2019. Qui ricopre varie cariche accademiche, in particolare dal 1997 al 2014 è Presidente del Campus e delegato al diritto allo studio. Dal 2007 al 2019 Presidente del Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Università.
Ha introdotto in Italia lo studio quantitativo delle comunità a Coleotteri Carabidi mediante le pitfall-traps, approfondendo le conoscenze sulla tassonomia, biologia ed ecologia di questo gruppo di insetti bioindicatori. Di rilievo gli studi sul comportamento parentale del genere Ditomus (Carterus), sulla biologia di alcuni generi enigmatici come Siagona, sul comportamento e la morfologia funzionale delle larve, sulle comunità a carabidi e sull’impatto del “global warming” specialmente nelle Alpi dolomitiche e sulla fauna sotterranea. Più recentemente si è occupato anche dell’impatto di pesticidi e diserbanti sulle agrobiocenosi e dell’ecologia di coleotteri saproxilici di foreste dell’Italia meridionale.
Fellow della Royal Entomological Society of London, di varie società scientifiche italiane ed europee, socio corrispondente dell’Accademia Italiana di Scienze forestali (AISF). Dal 2018 è Presidente dell’Unione Zoologica Italiana (UZI – ETS). Professore emerito dell’ Università della Calabria.

BRANDMAYR P., GIORGI F., CASALE A., COLOMBETTA G., MARIOTTI L., VIGNA TAGLIANTI A., WEBER F. AND PIZZOLOTTO R., 2013 – Hypogean Carabid Beetles as Indicators of Global Warming? Environ. Res. Lett., 8, pp. 11, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/4/044047.
PIZZOLOTTO R., GOBBI M. & BRANDMAYR P., 2014 – Changes in ground beetle assemblages above and below the treeline of the Dolomites after almost thirty years (1980/2009). Ecology and Evolution, 4(8):1284-1294, doi: 10.1002/ece3.927.
MAZZEI A, BONACCI T, HORAK J, BRANDMAYR P, (2018) – The role of topography, stand and habitat features for management and biodiversity of a prominent forest hotspot of the Mediterranean Basin: Saproxylic beetles as possible indicators. Forest ecology and management, 410:66-75.
PIZZOLOTTO R, MAZZEI A, BONACCI T, SCALERCIO S, IANNOTTA N, BRANDMAYR P, (2018) – Ground beetles in Mediterranean olive agroecosystems: Their significance and functional role as bioindicators (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Plos One, 13, 3. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0194551
GIGLIO A., CAVALIERE F., GIULIANINI P.G., KURTZ J., VOMMARO M.L., BRANDMAYR P., 2019 – Continuous Agrochemical Treatments in Agroecosystems Can Modify the Effects of Pendimethalin-Based Herbicide Exposure on Immunocompetence of a Beneficial Ground Beetle. Biodiversity, 11(12):241, doi:10.3390/d11120241.
vedi anche: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pietro_Brandmayr

Born in Trieste 1949.19.05. From 1973 to1986 researcher in the Institute of Zoology of the University of Trieste, later full professor of Zoology at the University of Calabria until 2019. Here various academic positions were covered, from 1997 to 2014 as President of the Campus and rectors delegate for student welfare. From 2007 to 2019 President of the Natural History Museum of the University.
He introduced in Italy the quantitative study of Carabid assemblages using pifall-traps. Several studies were devoted to taxonomy, biology and ecology of these important bioindicators, remarkable the discovery of the brood care in Ditomus (Carterus), the bionomy of the aenigmatic genus Siagona, the behavior of the larval stages. Further studies concerned the carabid communities and the impact of global warming in the Dolomites and on the hypogean fauna. New are the studies on the impact of pesticides and herbicides on agro-biocenoses and on the ecology of saproxylic beetles in southern Italian forests.
Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society of London, of several Italian and European scientific societies, corresponding fellow of the Italian Academy of Forestry Sciences (AISF). Since 2018 President of the Unione Zoologica Italiana. Emeritus professor at University of Calabria.

BRANDMAYR P., GIORGI F., CASALE A., COLOMBETTA G., MARIOTTI L., VIGNA TAGLIANTI A., WEBER F. AND PIZZOLOTTO R., 2013 – Hypogean Carabid Beetles as Indicators of Global Warming? Environmental Research Letters, 8, pp. 11, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/4/044047.
PIZZOLOTTO R., GOBBI M. & BRANDMAYR P., 2014 – Changes in ground beetle assemblages above and below the treeline of the Dolomites after almost thirty years (1980/2009). Ecology and Evolution, 4(8):1284-1294, doi: 10.1002/ece3.927.
MAZZEI A, BONACCI T, HORAK J, BRANDMAYR P, (2018) – The role of topography, stand and habitat features for management and biodiversity of a prominent forest hotspot of the Mediterranean Basin: Saproxylic beetles as possible indicators. Forest ecology and management, 410:66-75.
PIZZOLOTTO R, MAZZEI A, BONACCI T, SCALERCIO S, IANNOTTA N, BRANDMAYR P, (2018) – Ground beetles in Mediterranean olive agroecosystems: Their significance and functional role as bioindicators (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Plos One, 13, 3. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0194551
GIGLIO A., CAVALIERE F., GIULIANINI P.G., KURTZ J., VOMMARO M.L., BRANDMAYR P., 2019 – Continuous Agrochemical Treatments in Agroecosystems Can Modify the Effects of Pendimethalin-Based Herbicide Exposure on Immunocompetence of a Beneficial Ground Beetle. Biodiversity, 11(12):241, doi:10.3390/d11120241.
see also: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pietro_Brandmayr