Conti Eric


Professore associato (SSD AGR/11) presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia. E’ referente dell’Unità di Ricerca di Protezione delle Piante e membro della Giunta del Dipartimento. Ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in Entomologia nel 1992 presso l’Università di Perugia. E’ stato research associate presso USDA-ARS, Weslaco, TX, USA nel 1992; visiting scientist presso il Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University nel 1998-1999; lecturer presso la University of Malta nel 2007-2012 e presso il C.I.H.E.A.M. – MAI-B dal 2007 ad oggi; visiting professor alla Université de Montréal nel 2017 e nel 2018. Gli interessi scientifici sono incentrati sulle interazioni tri-trofiche e sull’etologia e l’ecologia chimica e molecolare di insetti parassitoidi e predatori. In particolare, le ricerche riguardano i meccanismi di selezione dell’ospite da parte di imenotteri ooparassitoidi, le difese dirette e indirette delle piante indotte dall’attacco di insetti fitofagi, lo studio delle reti trofiche e della biodiversità entomologica, gli effetti di insetticidi e di microplastiche sul comportamento degli insetti. Ha pubblicato circa 100 articoli scientifici, in gran parte su riviste internazionali, due capitoli di libri e presentato numerosi contributi a congressi. E’ membro dell’editorial board delle riviste Biological Control e Insects. E’ accademico ordinario dell’Accademia Nazionale dell’Olivo e dell’Olio.

Rondoni, G., Chierici, E., Agnelli, A., Conti, E. (2021). Microplastics alter behavioural responses of an insect herbivore to a plant-soil system. Science of the Total Environment 787, 147716.

Bertoldi, V., Rondoni, G., Brodeur, J., Conti, E. (2019). An egg parasitoid efficiently exploits cues from a coevolved host but not those from a novel host. Frontiers in Physiology, 10, 746.

Rondoni, G., Fenjan, S., Bertoldi, V., Ielo, F., Djelouah, K., Moretti, C., Buonaurio, R., Ricci, C., Conti, E. (2018). Molecular detection of field predation among larvae of two ladybird beetles is partially predicted from laboratory experiments. Scientific Reports, 8, 2594.

Bayram, A., Salerno, G., Onofri, A., Conti, E. 2010. Sublethal effects of two pyrethroids on biological parameters and behavioral responses to host cues in the egg parasitoid Telenomus busseolae, Biological Control, 53: 153-160.

Conti E.; Salerno G.; Leombruni B.; Frati F.; Bin F. 2010. Short-range allelochemicals from a plant–herbivore association: a singular case of oviposition-induced synomone for an egg parasitoid. Journal of Experimental Biology, 3911 – 3919 213.

Associate Professor (SSD AGR / 11) at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences of the University of Perugia. Coordinator of the Plant Protection Research Unit and member of the Department Board. He received his PhD in Entomology in 1992 at the University of Perugia. He was research associate at USDA-ARS, Weslaco, TX, USA in 1992; visiting scientist at the Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University in 1998-1999; lecturer at the University of Malta in 2007-2012 and at the C.I.H.E.A.M. – MAI-B from 2007 until today; visiting professor at the Université de Montréal in 2017 and 2018. Scientific interests are focused on tri-trophic interactions, insect behaviour, chemical and molecular ecology of parasitoids and predators. The research topics mostly concern the host selection behaviour of egg parasitoids, direct and indirect defences induced in plants by herbivorous insects, study of trophic webs and insect biodiversity, effects of insecticides and microplastics on insect behaviour. He has published about 100 scientific articles, mostly in international journals, two book chapters and presented many contributions to congresses. He is a member of the editorial boards of Biological Control and Insects. He is Ordinary Academician of the National Academy of Olive and Oil.

Rondoni, G., Chierici, E., Agnelli, A., Conti, E. (2021). Microplastics alter behavioural responses of an insect herbivore to a plant-soil system. Science of the Total Environment 787, 147716.

Bertoldi, V., Rondoni, G., Brodeur, J., Conti, E. (2019). An egg parasitoid efficiently exploits cues from a coevolved host but not those from a novel host. Frontiers in Physiology, 10, 746.

Rondoni, G., Fenjan, S., Bertoldi, V., Ielo, F., Djelouah, K., Moretti, C., Buonaurio, R., Ricci, C., Conti, E. (2018). Molecular detection of field predation among larvae of two ladybird beetles is partially predicted from laboratory experiments. Scientific Reports, 8, 2594.

Bayram, A., Salerno, G., Onofri, A., Conti, E. 2010. Sublethal effects of two pyrethroids on biological parameters and behavioral responses to host cues in the egg parasitoid Telenomus busseolae, Biological Control, 53: 153-160.

Conti E.; Salerno G.; Leombruni B.; Frati F.; Bin F. 2010. Short-range allelochemicals from a plant–herbivore association: a singular case of oviposition-induced synomone for an egg parasitoid. Journal of Experimental Biology, 3911 – 3919 213.