Current Statute

The new Articles of Association were recently approved by the Ordinary Assembly and published in the Acts and Accounts of 17/11/2018.

New Statute

The following statutes were in force until November 2018
– Statute of the Italian National Academy of Entomology –

Art. 1 – The Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia (Italian National Academy of Entomology), with its headquarters in Florence, was founded on 16 April 1950, made a non-profit organisation by Presidential Decree no. 691, aims to promote the development of studies in Entomology.

Art. 2 – The Academy’s assets consist of the current sum of €39,000.00 and any other assets received subsequently from organisations and private individuals.

Art. 3 – The Italian National Academy of Entomology has its headquarters in Florence at the former Experimental Institute for Agricultural Zoology of the C.R.A.

Art. 4 – The Italian National Academy of Entomology comprises four categories of Academicians: Ordinary, Emeriti, Honorary and Extraordinary.

Art. 5 – Ordinary, Emeriti and Extraordinary Academicians must be of Italian nationality. Ordinary and Extraordinary Academicians are elected from among those who have particularly distinguished themselves in the study of Insects or other classes of terrestrial Arthropods.

Art. 6 – Honorary Academicians are elected from among scholars who are not already members of the Academy and who have achieved clear fame in the field of entomological disciplines.

Art. 7 – Ordinary Academicians may reach a maximum number of 40 (forty), Extraordinary Academicians 30 (thirty), Honorary Academicians 10 (ten).

Art. 8 – Ordinary Academicians, upon reaching 75 years of age, enter the category of Emeriti. This opportunity is also given, at the request of those concerned, to other Ordinary Academicians who are prevented from participating in the ordinary life of the Academy for reasons of force majeure. Emeritus Academicians retain all the prerogatives of Ordinaries, but are not required to actively participate in the life of the Academy; therefore, for the purposes of the voting result, they will only be counted if present.

Art. 9 – Ordinary and Emeritus Academicians have a deliberative vote, Extraordinary Academicians an advisory vote. Honorary Academicians do not take part in voting.

Art. 10 – Ordinary, Emeritus and Honorary Academicians are appointed for life; Extraordinary Academicians are appointed for a five-year term and may be confirmed at the end of this term. Confirmation for the new five-year term shall take place by secret ballot by the Ordinary Assembly at the same time for all interested Extraordinary Academicians, normally at the session preceding the expiry of the five-year term.

Art. 11 – The bodies of the Academy are: the Ordinary Assembly, the Plenary Assembly, the President’s Council, the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, elected by the Ordinary Assembly from among its members. The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer form the President’s Council, hold office for three years and can be confirmed.
The President who has held office for three consecutive terms is entitled to the title of President Emeritus, with the right to participate with a vote in the President’s Council.
The Ordinary, Emeritus and Extraordinary Academicians constitute the Plenary Assembly of the Academy; the Ordinary and Emeritus Academicians constitute the Ordinary Assembly. This is valid when an absolute majority of the Ordinary Academicians participate. Honorary Academicians may take part in the assemblies without affecting the quorum.
The President is legally responsible for the acts of the Academy; he convenes and presides over meetings of the Assemblies and the President’s Council.
The Vice-President is part of the President’s Council and, in the event of the President’s being unable to attend or being absent, replaces him in all his functions.
The Secretary of the Academy takes the minutes of the meetings of the Assemblies and the President’s Council and cooperates with the President, Vice-President and Treasurer.
The Treasurer takes care of the economic and financial administration of the Academy and prepares all the relevant acts for the President’s signature.
The President’s Council collaborates with the President, instructs and prepares the Academy’s meetings and takes urgent measures of ordinary administration to be submitted subsequently to the Ordinary Assembly for approval.

Art. 12 – The election of new Ordinary, Extraordinary and Honorary Academicians shall take place by vote at an Ordinary General Meeting.
Proposals for the appointment of Academicians in these three categories shall be made in writing by at least three Ordinary or Emeritus Academicians; they shall be motivated and accompanied by a brief report on the scientific and academic merits of the candidate; said merits shall also be illustrated to the Assembly, prior to the vote, by one of the proposing Academicians. Each nomination proposal must reach the President of the Academy by April.

Art. 13 – Voting for the election of new Academicians takes place once a year and, as a rule, at the last meeting.
The meeting is only valid if an absolute majority of the Ordinaries attend. The names of the candidates for election are announced by the President at the session of the Ordinary General Assembly preceding the one at which the elections are called. Voting is by secret ballot. Those with an absolute majority of the votes of those present are elected. If the number of available seats is less than the number of elected members, those with the highest number of votes shall be appointed Academicians.

Art. 14 – Ordinary Academicians are appointed by decree of the President of the Republic at the proposal of the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities; Emeriti, Extraordinary and Honorary Academicians are appointed by decree of the President of the Academy.

Art. 15 – The meeting for the election of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer is valid if the absolute majority of the Ordinary Academicians attend. The election is by secret ballot and an absolute majority of the votes of those present.

Art. 16 – The Ordinary General Assembly that shall proceed to the voting referred to in Art. 15 above shall be convened by the President or, in his stead, by the Vice-President, at least one month before the expiry of the three-year term.

Art. 17 – The academic year and the financial year begin on 1 (one) January. For each three-year period, the Ordinary Assembly appoints from among its members, but outside the President’s Council, two full auditors and one alternate. The Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities in turn appoints a third effective Auditor.

Art. 18 – Any sums deriving from the alienation of assets, bequests, donations or that for any reason are to be used to increase assets and that are not invested in real estate must, subject to the provisions of the second paragraph of this article, be invested in registered government or government-guaranteed securities, or with Savings Banks or Credit Institutions. Any other use of the above sums must be authorised in advance in accordance with the rules in force for purchases by Moral Entities.

Art. 19 – Sums required for the Academy’s needs must be deposited at interest with ordinary savings banks or credit institutions. The President of the College shall be personally responsible for compliance with the provisions set out in the preceding Article and in the first paragraph of this Article.
Art. 20 – The Plenary Assembly is convened at least twice a year: by the month of April to approve the previous year’s financial statements and by the month of November to approve the budget. The budget and the balance sheet are prepared by the Academic Treasurer. At the first of these meetings, the President, or another Academician designated by him, shall give an account of the Academy’s activities during the previous year.

Art. 21 – The President may convene extraordinary meetings of the Plenary and Ordinary Assemblies at the seat of the Academy, at other scientific institutions or at any other venue deemed suitable and appropriate. Likewise, the Ordinary Assembly may be convened when at least one fifth of the Ordinary and Emeritus Academicians so request. Scholars and personalities may be invited to attend meetings of the Plenary Assembly. Such assemblies may be public.

Art. 22 – The President of the Academy is responsible for supervising and regulating the publication of the Academy’s writings.

Art. 23 – The present Statutes may not be amended unless, following a proposal signed by at least one third of the eligible members, the Assembly of Ordinary and Emeritus Academicians, convened for this purpose, approves the proposed amendments with a number of votes in favour of not less than two thirds of the number of Academicians present. The institution of proxy is permitted for the approval of changes to the Articles of Association. Each Academician present may only have one proxy. The meeting of the Assembly is not valid unless at least two thirds of the Ordinary Academicians, including any proxies, take part in it.

Art. 24 – By May each year, the President submits a report on the Academy’s activities during the previous year to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

Article 25 – For matters not provided for in this Statute, reference is made to the laws in force and to the general principles of the Italian legal system.

Art. 26 – The modalities for the application of this Statute are established by internal rules of operation.

Transitional Provisions.
Appointments of Ordinary, Emeritus, Extraordinary and Honorary Academicians made prior to the entry into force of this Statute shall be deemed confirmed to all effects. For the current Extraordinary Academicians, confirmation according to Art. 10 will take place at the end of the five-year period running on the date of entry into force of this Statute.

Signed in Original:
Baccio Baccetti Niccolini
Dr Giuseppe Greco Notary